My favorite book growing up was Harry Potter. I loved the whole
series and I can't even tell you how many times I have read each book. I
remember re-reading Harry Potter at a really trying time in my own life. My
sophomore year of high school I went through a difficult transition with friend
groups and found myself without good friends for a short period of time. I
wouldn’t go so far as to say that Harry, Ron, and Hermione were “my friends” at
the time, but their example of friendship helped me to realize what type of
relationships I would want with my friends. I also learned a lot from Harry’s
ambition. As I was reading, I realized that Harry was a very determined young
man. He never gave up for anything and was willing to do anything to protect
his beliefs. I learned that it is so important to stick up for my beliefs and
to fight for what I know is right. My old group of friends were getting into
harmful substances and inappropriate behaviors with the opposite sex and seeing
Harry’s determination in the books helped me to stand up for my beliefs in
front of those friends.
I don't think I
really have a favorite book now, but anything in the romance category is just
lovely. One of my favorites is A Distant Thunder by Anita Stansfield. It is an LDS
romance novel about an LDS girl and a non-LDS boy who fall in love. Their story
takes on many twists and turns as the girl, Elizabeth, loses her brother and
the boy, Jayson, deals with his alcoholic father. They help each other through
trials and come closer to God and to one another.I love this book a lot because
while it is still a sappy romance novel, it is very clean. I read this book
over Thanksgiving break while I was going through a break-up of sorts and it
helped me see that one day there will be a boy in my life who I wont want to
get away from :)
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