Sunday, February 10, 2013


I've never ever been a blogger. I don't feel like my life is interesting enough to talk about or share with the world. However, when I studied abroad in Jerusalem this summer my parents were very concerned about not hearing from me enough or seeing pictures of me. So I decided to start a blog about Jerusalem. At first, I was very tentative about putting up so much information about my personal life. I didn't know if I really loved sharing everything about myself with the world. After about a month or so, I realized that blogging was almost therapy for me. Sometimes I even looked forward to putting up pictures and coming up with something clever to tell my friends and family back at home. Once I got home I stopped writing immediately because I didn't want to be one of "those" blogging girls, and I'm glad I did because I still definitely feel like my life in Provo isn't nearly entertaining enough to share with anyone. I wish I had cool things to say on this blog. The truth is that blogging makes me VERY homesick for Jerusalem. 

Obviously I haven't fallen madly in love with a boy yet, because I can honestly say that JERUSALEM is my one true love. (pathetic?!)

Red Sea!

311 roomies 4 life. 

We love the JC


don't make us go home

My very most favorite city in the entire world. Can't believe it's been five months. 

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