Thursday, March 28, 2013

My best friend is on a mission. She left two months ago and is leaving the MTC for St. Petersburg, Russia this very week!!!
She's the Sister on the left. Isn't she adorable?
I have been VERY grateful for Dear Elder these last two months. Alyssa and I have been best friends for a very long time and it's been really hard not having her around. I write her very very frequently, but this week I have been writing even more than usual. After this Sunday letters are no longer free and same day delivered, so I'm taking advantage of the system.

Do you see all these Dear Elder confirmation emails? Yes I have sent her four letters since last of them was definitely sent at 1:54 AM. (it was important!!!!!!)
Thankfully, Alyssa wrote this week and said that with the new church policy she will be able to email me from Russia every week. Don't make fun of me, I cried when I read that. I was SO happy. Hearing from her only once a week right now is hard enough...don't know how I would have/could have possibly gone months without hearing from her. Thank goodness for technology!!!!!!


  1. My sister's in the MTC right now and she's told us about DearElder. I wish it would work out in the field as well, but I guess that's asking for too much!

  2. My little brother is on a mission. While he was in the MTC I used dearelder all the time.... I miss it. It really is the best idea.

  3. I love technology. Life would be so much harder without it! My brother just opened his mission call tonight so missions are definitely on my mind! He is going to the CA, Anaheim mission. I guess I'll be figuring out how DearElder works soon!
