Wednesday, March 27, 2013

It's a Match!

Tinder. For all you married/taken people in the world... Tinder is a lovely iPhone app that pulls up pictures of people in your area. You can either "like" or "reject" people after looking at five pictures of them. If two people "like" each other, they are notified and then can chat through the app. I downloaded it about a month ago because my friend told me it would give me a good laugh. The first thing it gave me was a killer confidence boost. All these boys who I thought were WAY cute thought I was cute too!! Woo! Then I started feeling creepy and creeped out all in one. A few of my matches started talking to me...and I just didn't want to talk. That's when I realized that I was in it more for the confidence boost than the actual dating.
Sometimes super awkward things happen on Tinder. My roommate matched with a boy in our ward that she hadn't ever talked to. They started chatting and connected that they were in the same ward. Then at the next ward party they didn't speak to each other and it has been awkward ever since.
Other times boys ask you for your number and you text a little. I have yet to gone out on a date with a Tinder match, but I've sure seen some cuties. I hope I don't meet my husband on Tinder....that would be the worst story to tell.

Sometimes I enjoy my little Tinder communications, other times I go through phases where I delete the app completely. Either way, I think Tinder is silly. Its like one more way for boys in Provo to be lazy and not ask people out. Come on ya stinkin boys, man up and ask us (NOT over Tinder).

1 comment:

  1. Haha that sounds like an interesting app for sure. You have to be careful with those, they can get pretty creepy. I totally second your comment....boys should just ask girls out and have fun with it. It doesn't need to be as intimidating as everyone makes it out to be!
